About the Writers

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


What's up Q fans? 

Happy 11/12/13! 

How would you feel if your daily outfits collected environmental data or transformed itself according to the conditions outside? Well, such fashion doesn't exist just yet! But it is a possibility in the near future. 

A few weeks ago I visited Massachusetts Institute of Technology, more commonly known as M.I.T, a school that is widely recognized for its research, engineering, top technological inventions, and so forth. 

My genius cousin Rachelle, who is also an MIT student, brought me to all of the laboratories where I was able to see a few pending projects and inventions by fashion-minded MIT students. 

This project pictured above is called Breathing Skin. The purpose of the skirt is to change shape through pneumatic actuation. A pneumatic actuator converts energy (typically air) into mechanical motion! The ultimate brilliant idea behind this skirt is that it will eventually adapt to the climatic, functional, and emotional needs of the one who is wearing it. For example, the skirt will become shorter in warmer weather, or longer if the user is feeling threatened. 

 These bold colored dresses picks up data of INDOOR pollutants (not outside). On the display board behind the outfits displays results from findings of each person who was wearing each dress. Wearing the outfits allowed the user to live the data and experience findings from their own home and body... such as detecting chemicals. The students claim that this is "a project that seeks to create aesthetics data experiences thought prompts researchers and laypeople to engage with information in new ways."

Personally, I don't know how I feel about wearing these particular styles...but for the purpose of being a walking experiment, I WOULD BE HONORED! Incredible work by MIT students! 

Visiting this intelligent campus was definitely a privilege. I wanted to absorb the intelligence of the students and environment around me! The day did leave me feeling very inspired by students who commit to thinking outside the box as they put their creativity, logic,  and intelligence to action and to shaping our world. We really are the future! 

 Couldn't pass through MIT without visiting and paying respects to the on campus site of where one of the Boston bombers killed a police officer in a failed attempt to steal his gun. Boston is such a strong, resilient city. The term BOSTON STRONG really lives on. Boston is truly one of the greatest cities I've visited outside of Los Angeles. 

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